Verse of the Day

Saturday, May 26, 2007


hey people! have u tuned in to the latest advertisments on Anything and Whatever? haha! it's the can drink! here's the link to check out these advertisements!

School's Out! Thank God it is finally here! However! the Mid-Year Exams will be coming up in the 3rd week of June! so little time left..the stress of A levels is really coming down hard on the J2s ( least for me) On the bright side, the most exciting time this holidays, Grace Retreat 20007! WooHoo~ those who are going for Grace Retreat say "Amen!" wahaha~ really really really looking forward to it as the church comes together to FELLOWSHIP! will be bunking in with Bradley and Daniel Lee. Let's come together for an exciting time of worship!

The next significant event that is coming up is also our class outing! 06S11's first class outing! haha~ WeiRu! we have to plan soon! or else go there "zhuo bo" (do nothing) Sentosa here I come! Dear God, I pray for a fabulous day with a fabulous sun that I can suntan in! bring out the sun tanning lotion!

The other significant event that is also coming up very very soon (in 2 days to be exact) is Dunearn Sec camp! Really pray that I will have a great time there with the Dunearn Sec Students. I will be facilitating the camp with a few others and we are looking forward to a camp that will IMPACT them! Sadly, it is not a christian camp, However! we can still demonstrate our christian lifestyles with them. May we reflect God in this camp! =]

okay! i'm gonna end here for today. And just wanna make a statement to commit myself to for this holiday:
I, Lim Kun Jie pledge to study with the time that God has given me during this holidays. Concurrently, to faithful devote myself to reading the bible daily in view of completing it in December 2007. To give my best in my studies and to be a model in my cell. To grow in devotion and worship to God before and after Retreat. And to rejoice in everything I do! Amen

Comic for the day: Baygon killed Spiderman!

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